It's been cold but the fun continues in my heated garage...

Installed a Com. antenna in the tail. Ran the coax to the back of the instrument panel

Started jeweling my firewall. Thanks to those before me who have done this.
I wouldn't have tried but for you.
It's not perfect but it looks good from a few feet away.

Fabricated a bracket and wired the ELT. Ran those wires forward as well.

Fabricated a top stringer and aluminum straps. Adjusted it until it looked
good with masking tape, then attached with aluminum straps, Aeropoxy and pop rivets.

Found a nice Scott 3200 tail wheel cheap on Barnstormers. Ordered another mounting
bolt 1/2 inch longer. Needs to be cleaned and repainted... at this point, who cares! More fun!

comm antenna (2).jpg

Comm Antenna connection.jpg

Comm Antenna.jpg



ELT completed1.jpg

ELT antenna mount.jpg

Stringer upper1.jpg

ABI 3200 tailwheel reduced.jpg