A note on the HighWing LLC Cabane Landing Gear.

The bankruptcy of Skystar prompted the formation of HighWing LLC. The main objective was to provide parts to the existing fleet to keep our buddies flying. Wing Ribs and Mass Balance Weights for the ground loop guys - those sorts of things. Then we had an idea to maybe help the ground loop guys in another way as well by designing and offering a cabane style landing gear that was precisely aligned and that also eliminated the regular replacement of the bungee cords. Along with the alignment, the original goals were three - The alignment, a wider stance for more stability and a couple inches taller for an enhanced angle of attack for a bit quicker lift off. Back then, we did not anticipate the more recent “Bush” flying phenomenon initiated by the numerous adventure videos, and have never referred to our gear as “Bush Gear”. HighWing LLC closed its business several years ago.