They say a "mid-life crisis" is really just the realization that the Universe is telling you that you DO have an "expiration date" and that it isn't screwing around, so you better get a move on towards those lifelong dreams.

Since I graduated high school back in the mid-80's I've had two loves; (1) old British cars (MG's Triumphs, Jaguars) and (2) I always wanted an Avid or a Kitfox. Right as I graduated college back in '89 I got married, but was able to convince the wife to help me go back to school and got my A&P at ERAU (Daytona Beach campus), but only got about 30 hours flight training before life and bills ended my flying. Then the downturn in the aviation industry in '92 forced a career change. Got my "aviation fix" by semi-annual pilgrimages to Sun & Fun or OSH as funds and schedule allowed, and kept my wrenching skills up by restoring old British cars as a hobby and working as a volunteer restoration technician at the National Air & Space Museum for a while.

So here I am nearly 28 years later, kids now grown, got a garage full of British cars but I'm still wanting that Kitfox, so I have a few questions I'd like your opinions on.

1) Private Pilot or Sport? In the DC/MD/VA area, can you really do anything with a sport pilot license?

2) Do many owners build their Kitfoxes and then use it for their flight training, or get training, rent as needed to build time and then build their Kitfoxes?

I've got a million other questions but figured I'd start easy. ;^)