Hello All,

I am new to the Kitfox world and I need some direction and advise. I am looking for a second hand airplane that fits some specific criteria that I have (foldings wings, taildragger and float configurable). The KitFox appears to be my airplane.

That being said should I purchase a KitFox I, II, III, or IV with, again, the ultimate desire of putting it on straight floats.

I am seeing a number IVs on floats and a select few IIs but I am concerned about the 65HP engines with floats. Can anyone offer advise, experience, or opinions so I can narrow my search.

Also... when buying a used Kitfox is there an expert out there that can help appraise the aircraft and also check it out completely for air worthiness. I don't want to take it to some A&P who's never seen a Kitfox.

