In looking at my elevator rigging today I noticed that the elevator horn meets the aft pushrod at quite an oblique angle. On the other hand the forward pushrod meets the control column horn at a right angle. My previous build (RV) had both of these at 90 degrees, which seems to make the most sense. Having one end at a right angle and the other end not is guaranteed to produce different amounts of elevator travel for a given stick displacement depending on which way the stick is moved. Different amounts of movement also means different stick forces.

If what I'm saying is unclear, just picture the control column horn hanging vertically, the elevator horn hanging vertically, and a single pushrod. As the rod moves back and forth, the three members form a parallelogram. If we started with things as on the Kitfox, we don't get the parallelogram and things go kinda wonky.

Furthermore, my manual seems to describe the rigging process as if there is only a front and rear pushrod. Perhaps this was the case on older models, but the SS has a middle rod as well and a total of two idlers. The position of the idlers when the system is neutral is of concern to me in the same way the elevator horn is.

I'd appreciate any thoughts on this topic.