Sleeping arrangements for couples are completely spoken for at Thunder Ridge for the annual Desert Fox Squadron fly in March 26-28th. Couples wishing to reserve lodging may be directed to Wickenburg, AZ. Wickengburg is only 12 miles from Thunder Ridge and transportation will be available to and from the motels. We've never run out of sleeping space for couples before so it looks like this could be a record attendance for the fly in. Still room for singles to lodge at the airpark so make your arrangements now by letting Cara know how many you are bringing and what your needs are. This will help her plan for food also and we don't want to run out of that.
Looking forward to seeing you all there.

I was out a week ago with Phil Laker and Mike Bergland scouting two new fly out routes. Two separate routes are planned for different skill levels. W little canyon flying for those game. One is about one hour long and the other will be two hours or slightly more including travel time to and from.
We are getting rain again today so the desert should be green and full of flowers by the end of the month.