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Thread: 458lk

  1. #51
    Senior Member jiott's Avatar
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    Portland, OR

    Default Re: 458lk

    Those cowl tabs are always a problem. I solved it by filing them down to about 1/2 original thickness and also taking a little off the inside of the upper cowl. They fit ok now, but I still need to push them in a little for the upper cowl to slide down but that's ok, nice tight fit.
    Jim Ott
    Portland, OR
    Kitfox SS7 flying
    Rotax 912ULS

  2. #52
    Senior Member bbs428's Avatar
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    SW Missouri

    Default Re: 458lk

    Those chi-com paint booths are the bomb. $$ well spent! Mine just fit inside the shop so it never left planet earth when windy. A must have for paint.
    Any complaints from the local HOA?

    I did the exact same thing with the cowl, fabricated some aluminum tabs. Your results look great!
    I would hope that someday the cowling jigs/forms/molds would get better. It sure gets your blood pressure up to see how horrible the fit is for the 1st time.

    Cool stuff Todd!
    "Somebody said that carrier pilots were the best in the world, and they must be or there wouldn't be any of them left alive." Ernie Pyle

    Brett Butler
    Flying: N46KF, 1998 Model 5 Outback, 912ul 110hp, G3x with 2 axis a/p, Beringer wheels & brakes, SS7 firewall forward, NR prop, Custom paint

  3. #53
    tdldedcd's Avatar
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    Murrieta, CA

    Default Paint Booth

    Brett, I have amazing neighbors. They nicknamed the paint booth the "hazmat tent" or "methlab". They have been so curious and helpful during the build. Most of them are going to be added to the build log as associate builders!!

    Thanks for the support guys.
    Todd Downing
    SS7 458LK
    915is, Airmaster prop

  4. #54
    Senior Member Kitfox Pilot's Avatar
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    Spring Garden Illinois

    Default Re: 458lk

    One issue I had was the whole cowl sagged after I took the tape off. Had it all lined up, drilled it, clecoed it, high fived the kid and went in to have a beer. Came back out and the whole thing was hanging down lower than the spinner. Soooooo, after a bit of a freak out and a call to Eddie for advise, we moved the holes where the cowl mounts to the boot cowl and it is lining back up great. Lisa thanks you Eddie!!!

    After you line it all up perfect.....the engine rubber mounts sag after about 50 hours so now after 120 hours my prop spinner is about 1/4 to 3/8 lower than the cowl. But its level when running!
    Harlan and Susan Payne
    Flying FarmFox STI Kitfox N61HP
    Rotax 915is, Airmaster prop.

  5. #55
    Senior Member efwd's Avatar
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    Yorba Linda, CA

    Default Re: 458lk

    Glad to hear it "seems" to have worked out. We will see if it works out like Harlan once some time passes I suppose. I am familiar with this as I have a saggy cowl even after over 500hrs. I still see bout 1/4 inch worth of the spinner while seated in the plane. Guess my engine mounts aren't squishing so much. I have tried to make my camlock fasteners tighter but the spring tension isn't enough to combat the vibrations and such. Gravity rules.
    Eddie Forward
    SS7, 912iS, Garmin G3X

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