Well, I tried tweaking my door frames this afternoon and much to my surprise, it worked! It took what the youngsters would call "getting medieval," but I was able to get a nice fit on both sides without breaking anything. Thanks again for the suggestions.


Since I've been jumping around in the manual so much, I thought it would be a good idea to go back through the fuselage and wing chapters page by page to be sure I hadn't missed anything important. It turned out I had: the large cotter pins that serve as cable keepers under the four small pulleys just behind the seats. They were a bit of a chore to install, but getting them in made the review worthwhile.

I also found some things in the wing chapter that have me a bit worried about the rigging done by the first builder. I have no actual evidence that anything was done wrong, but it's keeping me up at night. I have a string of days off in mid-April, so I'm going to make a point of putting the plane back on some wheels, rolling it to a neighbor's hangar, re-fitting the wings and checking the measurements.

I've been getting frustrated lately with not being able to find things when I need them, so I spent the rest of the afternoon emptying all of the boxes I got from the first builder, deciding what was salvageable, what I would be selling or giving away, and what was trash. I whittled eight boxes down to two and regained access to an exterior door that had been blocked since the plane came home last July.

I have a couple more days of training for work coming up, but I should be back on the project on Saturday.