
Welcome to Kitfox world. No matter what you decide to do, going to Stick & Rudder is a really good move. It is always good to ride/fly the plane you are thinking about building. In my case, my first Kitfox ride was in a friends model IV, later I hitched a ride in a 7; and, I will say the experience was what sealed my decision to build.

The kitfox gives a builder experience in the use of many techniques and materials - aluminum, composites, steel, fabric etc. I think a person has to have a reasonable amount of intuition with mechanical stuff and a sense of logic but that is true of any airplane building. You will learn a lot; and, I personally like the tube and fabric design. If a person can find an EAA chapter that as well as this forum is a tremendous asset.

In my opinion, the Kitfox is a serious airplane. A person can stew about if they want to go 200 MPH or 100 but I think the kitfox is a decent CX/utility airplane. Ours was AW'd as an EAB so it has the 1550# weight. My wife and myself can get on board with full fuel and still have room for 140# in the baggage bay - like for under wing camping gear. The short field capability is terrific and one of the reasons for our choice.