I wish money grew on trees, but if it did, few of us would build or maintain our own planes. I hired a CFI who said he was Kitfox qualified. He wrecked my plane and I spent months and thousands of dollars repairing it. find the money you need to have the quality and qualified instructor you need. Ask to see his logbook entry of the last Kitfox he instructed in. or ....
Go to Stick and rudder and learn the right way to fly your ship.
It is the best insurance you will ever buy and it will last a lifetime.
I did it 12 years ago but I know those guys. You worked way too hard to put your plane together to make a dumb Kitfox common error and end up with repairs.
Paul often ferry planes from around the country. Call and see if he or one of his guys is coming out anytime soon. or meet them where they are flying. I did that for a biannual recently and saved a lot of time.
good luck, send pics