I think John McBean gave an excellent description of how they adjust for a "heavy wing" at the factory (I believe it's posted somewhere on this forum), and that's how I attacked my slightly heavy left wing...

First check that you don't have a yaw issue that's causing the turn.

For a left turning tendency - adjust the right wing rear lift strut rod end out 1 turn (decrease the wash-out). Pre-flight and test fly after each adjustment.

If not enough, adjust the left wing rear lift strut rod end in 1 turn.

If still not enough you can start adjusting the front lift strut rod ends ... right one in first, and lastly left one out.

John wrote that you might only need 1/2 turn, or maybe as much as 1 1/2 turn... it depends on the severity of the roll rate.

It seems to me that doing the adjustments in this order should result in the least amount of necessary twisting of the structure on any one wing to get the desired result.