Newbie post here.
So, I want to run the following scenario by you guys to check its feasibility.
My dad and I want a plane, he´s got the time to build, I don't quite have the money because I'm saving to buy a house so I can't just spend 100k on a kit and don't want to buy an older plane but it got me thinking that we might just be able to fund our plane by building and selling kits, so, buy a kit, build it, fly it (40 hour “fly off” period), sell it and do it all over again until we make the 100k.

month 0:
paying $5000 deposit of kitfox #1
month 12:
paying $5000 deposit of kitfox #2 AND paying the balance, receiving and start building kitfox #1
month 18:
Finish building kitfox #1 (considering almost fulltime building of my dad and some help from me)
month 20:
Start selling process kitfox#1
month 24:
paying $5000 deposit of kitfox #3 AND paying the balance, receiving and start building kitfox #2
month 30:
Finish building kitfox #2
month 32:
Start selling process kitfox #2

and continue until making 100k

But before all that I guess the fundamental questions are:
1)Are people interested in buying a kit built by someone else today instead of waiting the full year for a kit or 3 years for a factory build?
2)Suppose someone is willing to buy the kit, will it turn a profit? enough to get the 100k in 2-3 planes?

Thanks for your input!