Excellent, looks like you are making good progress. I see you've even got some of the much dreaded rib stitching complete. I see you've got some nice fat tires, I love mine, when I was working on my Advanced Flight, it gave me a nice comfy place to sit, and work under the panel. I also like how they help absorb the landing shock!

Keep up the good work. If you want some enthusiasm, call up Ross, and see if he would mind a visit to look over to meet him and to look over his project. Ross has been working like a man searching out a "Vision Quest", and nothing will stop him. Looking over his plane, will definitely give you some some of his vision, and enthusiasm.

Excellent progress, make it a point to post some of your progress every so often, then a couple of times in a week, and stick to it. Then we will get to read a post about your plans to fly up to Mt. beauty to go flying with Ross.