I got the right flaperon finished. Drilled the brackets and removed. Installed the LLE, and glued in optional trailing edge stiffeners. The right wing is ready to cover! I'll do that after I take the SportAir workshop in Phoenix Feb 10th-11th.

I got the center console mostly finished. Rudder control horns modified, and the rudder pedal assemblies mostly complete. My long #30 drill bit went dull, so I need another one to finish riveting together the second rudder pedal assembly.

Some wisdom earned this week:
-There is a note when assembling the flap handle to make sure that you get full travel of the slider before assembling. This note is not present in the instructions for the rudder adjustment handles. As it happens, my flap handle had full travel, so I had forgotten this tidbit when assembling the rudder adjustment handle. When I got the center console on, I couldn't get the detent pin to disengage from the detents. It took me a few minutes to figure out why. The result was drilling out the securing pin to disassemble the handle and take some material off the slider. Now I need to procure a new securing pin before I can reassemble the second handle and finish the center console. I believe (hope) they sell these tension pins at the local hardware store.
-On the LLE, the instructions recommend two clecos in each rib, and 5 in the #1 and # 10. When I do the left wing, I'll use 5 clecos at the number 5 rib where the two LLE halves meet, and maybe even in all the ribs. As it is, it worked fine, but the fiberglass doesn't sit perfectly against the ribs everywhere, and I just think the result would have been better with more clamping. There was some "waviness" in the trailing edge of the LLE, which is very minor as long as it's even while the hysol cures, so I weighed it down.


Note the lack of full travel of slider. I hadn't assembled the detent pin in this side yet. But in the one in the background, it is fit up to the detent bracket, but won't disengage.

Rudder pedal assembly: