In between trips I've been punching off items getting ready to cover the fuselage:
-Finished the doors (and broke one ).
-Installed autopilot servos.
-Drilled antenna mounting holes.
-Wired the aft fuselage.
-Adjusted flap and aileron pushrods.
-Cleaned up various rough edges and primed some things to get ready for fabric.

I also learned that the fancy fuselage rotisserie I made doesn't really work. I did not anticipate how bottom-heavy the fuse is. My rotisserie would not hold it it in position. So I removed it and did a Tic-tac-toe-ish monstrosity out of toothpicks and bailing wire. It's similar to what you've seen elsewhere on the forum, but uglier. It does the job though.

An EAA Tech Counselor is coming by to take a look tonight and then it's on to covering.