Flaperon installation went well. Still have to make up some red touch up paint for the rivet heads and sealant that sealed the holes in the rivets. Not sure how much morning dew or rain it will keep out of the wing, but I felt better for doing it.

Folded the completed wings for the 1st time. Tail was on the ground, so it really wanted to get away from me. I was prepared for that, so no rash occurred, and it all worked as advertised. You really have to be super careful as the flaperons transition into the turtledeck area! It sure made that tail heavy!

Installed the transport kit. Rear braces came up a little short, as the back of my lift struts are contacting the fuselage covering in the middle, preventing the wings from getting in closer. My angle cut was 35" inches and looking back, 36" might have been better. I can force it closer as the fabric has plenty of give to it, but I don't want to mar the paint, which will happen when transported. Not sure if this is a real problem or not. Adding some material to the brace would be a minor pita but a possible solution. A lift strut recut and paint would cure the issue as well, but I would hate to do that as it's a major pita. Anyone else have this happen?

Luck was with me as my pitot tube just cleared the stabilizer! I think there's a lot of merit getting the pitot inside the lift strut area where you or others cannot run your head into it!

Sorting out the dash and windscreen over the next few days. Still debating on the quarter window tint. I have some material with no tint, some with a dark tint, but none with the light smoke tint like the windscreen and turtledeck.
A call to LP aero plastics and sure, they can send me the material for the window, but it's hard to justify being that color coordinated for the price they quoted. Ouch!

In other news - The latest storm with 100mph winds took out my pine tree, so I'll be lumber jacking it as well over the next week unless I can convince the local mill to come get some free wood! Got to love the mid-west in spring!

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