
Thanks for your input.
I was struggling to decide why I would complicate things by bringing the VPX into the trim system.
What I really want is EFIS indication and VPX says it can't be done without a RAC T2.
From what I can see there is no difference in indicators between T2 internals and POS sensor pot feedback. (Both 0-5K)
The RAC RP4/POS combo uses +5V instead of the VPX +2.5 for some reason but the premise is the same and should scale.

I think I am going to wire the J2-18/19 switches into the VPX for trim. The POS to J1-8/9/10 and then run the J1-11/12 outputs to the GSA and onto the BSTR.
This means the BSTR switch output is not being used on #2 therefore cut/cap.

I have to admit. I didnt think my wiring diagram would be 12 pages but here we are.

Independent Switch Trim.jpg
VPX Trim.jpg