They are a quality built system, that is easy to use for the pilot and gets all the power from the engine converted to thrust.

The constant speed is awesome and it keeps rpm steady. You can't use the engine noise to tell if you are in a slight climb or dive, the engine/rpms are steady all the time.

I had a 70" 3 blade IVO medium IFA before the Airmaster, it worked well, but you control it with a switch. I have about 30 hrs with the Airmaster 70" 3 blade Whirlwind blades, I couldn't go back to the IVO.

I see a little more cruise speed and slightly more climb than the IVO IFA . I think it is a case of efficiency and blade profile.

If you can manage the price, I think it is "the propeller" for overall general use and the 912 uls.