Does anyone here have any experience financing a kitfox, namely an experimental one?

I applied for a loan through AOPA and was setup with a bank. I spoke to the bank president and he was very friendly. He put me in touch with his "evaluator" who has been a royal pain in the ass. He keeps telling me I should be buying a Maule, not a "kitplane" because a Maule is, "the only true backcountry/stol airplane." Not only do I have zero interest in the Maule, but it's easily triple the price. Any kitfox I've found he tells me is overpriced ($40k-$60k). By the time I'm done fighting with him the airplane is sold.

I went back to AOPA to tell them about this experience and they basically told me I'm out of luck. They have very few partnerships with banks that finance experimental airplanes.

Anyone know of a bank that is more kitfox friendly?
