Hey Benjam,

Understand your point ... I was really just trying to encourage you to go for it. If you do take the plunge, I will be first to support you - I'm in Bris fairly often and am sure we can arrange for you to have trial fly in mine if you want to before committing. I'm down at Mt Beauty but that is a lot closer than Boise which is where I went to look and test fly! I built mine in a 12m x 15m hanger which was a luxury I know, but Dave down in Melb (Moama build) is doing his in a smaller shed and Ben in Sale has had space issues and made a great spray booth out of a sea container. I think the message is that as long as you can find enough space for the length of the fuse and the wings, you will manage somehow.

Honestly, you only need fairly average skills (mine were/are VERY average!) because the manual, factory support and the team here are not only knowledgable but generous with their help. As Esser has said (come on josh, fly the bloody thing!) , you'll make mistakes, but rarely are the mistakes fatal! I just don't necessarily agree with him that you wont make the same mistake again!!! I know that for a fact....

Anyway Benjam, you're welcome for a look and to go for a fly with me if you can get down my way. Best wishes for the project.

