Thanks for the pos feedback. Would be cool if you and I both built and then have a meetup in Eastern Utah, drop down into some of those canyons and play podracer ...

Yes, 'included' means it is included in a price listed, usually directly above. I wanted a separate line item for each thing but if the cost is for a package or bundled goods, then I wrote 'included' to mean its cost is already accounted for.

You can see I still have some questions - need to get on the phone with Kitfox again. But I think overall I'm pretty close. Basically to do what I want to do will cost $100K in materials and supplies and miscellaneous, and then extra for space / structure, paid labor, accessories, training and so on. I have not listed any costs of ownership, but with a plane like this they shouldn't be too crazy. I'm hoping to find someone else in my area, each put up $50K and share the workload to build. Might be a pipe dream but you never know. I'm 50 years old so don't want to wait too long ...