roughly 25k for plane, 22K for 912is with exhaust thats no longer included in the 912is price, 18K for a fully loaded panel (auto pilot, ADSB In/out xpndr, dual screen panel, Comm radio not to mention ELT and LED nav/landing lights or the electrical wiring. Top of the line lights will run $1000. Thats 67K. consider paint. You can spend over 1000 on breathing apparatus alone if you use nice shiny paint that will run you several thousand more if I am not mistaken. OK, now were talking 70 plus. I did save on paint by using Oratex but the Oratex cost me about 6-7K. Oh yes, interior kit. Don't recall the price but its over 1000.How close am I now? Oh, Propeller and spinner, 2K. Except where my craftsmanship has suffered I think I will have a top notch Kitfox SS7. There are many aspects of the build that will drive the price. You certainly don't need to do all this to accomplish a beautiful top notch aircraft and some people have incredible abilities in negotiation. I don't. I have so many of the upgrades (but not all). Im also including the cost of two BoseA20 headsets for which I had to spend more money to operate them via aircraft power (lemo plugs). If you chose to primer the wing spars youll be buying primer and supplies as well. I believe I am pretty close, no? Go fly a Kitfox then let me know if you think it's worth it! Best damn money I have ever spent! Could have bought a bigger house but I can assure you I would not be having the conversations that I have wherever I go about the house. Welcome to the forum.