Quote Originally Posted by Dorsal View Post
Mine is in the left wing tip, are you avoiding the wing for some reason?
Its a retro-fit to a flying vfr aircraft with no nav lights, and non-removable wing tips, so was hoping to avoid wing mounting if nothing else pure lazieness and pragmatism for simple solution.

I wouldn't shy away from pulling some wires through the wing and cutting an access panel, however after all it is a day vfr aircraft with 2 GPS + iPad and likely 1-2 smart phones on board, it is a requirement and important to have a reasonably accurate compass on board. I just can't think where I would be relying on a compass in this particular aircraft rather than looking out the window if the satellites all fall from the sky

Does anyone have any experience with non wing mounting locations in any rag and tube aircraft?

Manual says 24inches distance away from metal that can't happen in a Kitfox fuselage has anyone tried it anyway?