I flew it today and tried to play with the power and airspeed a bit, seems to make the sound a little at climb-out (high power setting, and only heard on an external camera, not in the cockpit) as well as being the loudest around 80 when I pull the power back. I kept it around 80 and modulated the throttle a bit and the sound seemed to go in and out a bit.

I did notice the other day when cleaning the underside and gear of the plane, that when I was wiping off the gear springs, they had a slight hum to them. From that sound, it seems to be the closest thing to what I'm hearing in flight. And it would make sense, as air going over them, as well as engine/prop vibration, could cause a harmonic vibration to resonate throughout the aircraft... I do not feel this vibration, and I still can't pinpoint what area it is coming from, but it's definitely noticeable!

I have not tried removing the camera yet, but that was an initial thought.

I will have to look at the struts and see if there are any holes I can close up, as the struts were another area of thought.

Thank you all for the help so far!

I am having a blast with it regardless, most fun plane I have ever flown!