One of my highlights of the 25th Anniversary and Kitfox Factory fly-in was getting a chance to fly in Steve Wilson's historic 85DD. Not only did I get a flight in 85DD Steve let me have a turn at the controls. It handled very crisply in roll, pitch and with the larger tail took very little rudder input to coordinate a turn.
I found myself grinning several times at the thought of actually flying the very aircraft that launched hundreds of Kitfox dreams world wide, including mine. I literally wore out two Denney Aerocraft promo VHS tapes in the mid 80's and this little jewel was the star in both of them.
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Been waiting 24 years to do this.
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85DD floats over her birthplace.

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Steve turns 85DD over to me. I promptly turn 85DD up on her wing and get a feel for the handling. She flys GREAT!
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Steve and me in 85DD on left downwind for RWY. 31, full stop, Homedale.

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The gracious Steve Wilson with the World famous 85DD.

It was an honor to experience the joy of flying the little Kitfox that germinated the dreams of aircraft ownership for so many of us.
Thanks again Steve and enjoy every flight in 85DD.