Like Fred, I appreciate discussions like this one. Back in the day when I was doing the initial test flights on 96KL, I shared a hangar with a Beal AFB pilot. He then flew U-2s and previously the SR-71. He sheepishly told me one day that he had recently gone flying over the Snow covered Sierras in a borrowed Cessna 140 and relied on the heater to keep him warm. It wasn't until his return that he realized he was totally unprepared for an incident. On most of the long multi day flights I took, I always flew with a back pack strapped in the passenger seat. Now I realize I had the wrong things in there - a weeks worth of underware, socks and T-shirts. I should have had the water, food and first aid kit that was stowed in the back under the sleeping bag and tent.

I once prepared a first aid kit for an ocean crossing in a sail boat. With a crew of seven with immediate responders nearby in the event of an accident, I had everything in that kit, including IV fluids and Morphine alongside the inflatable cast. The funny part was the day one of the crew came up and asked me for some Tylenol for a headache. My kit was prepared for almost any catastrophe. but not for the simple every day needs of the crew. I did have Bandaids, but no over the counter pain meds.

The final thought. When my wife and I survived my attempt at an emergency landing, injuries included puncture wounds from broken structural tubing, Sprained ankles and a broken wrist alongside a compression fracture of the spine. Survival supplies on the vest along with the wearing of season appropriate clothing, as suggested by Fred, would be my priority as an initial thought.