It is always a sad time when an accident takes place and life is lost, it happens every day in every part of the world. Yes, we are in a society that some believe some one has to pay for their loss, I get that, not that I believe in that. Crap happens. As the president of our local EAA club this type conversation come to the forefront every time we schedule a Young Eagles rally about liability for the pilots and the officers of the club. We do have insurance coverage through EAA for these type events but to what total coverage, no one will really know until it is tested, we hope that will not happen, but I get the uncertain-tee of those involved. Because of these unknowns we went from 11 willing pilots to 3 pilots to fly the kids, after the last rally with only three pilots to fly, the stress became a bit to high to work all these flights so our YE program is on hold, sad for the kids and a statement about the state of affairs. I run two business's my wife has another and liability is always lingering with in our daily operations, it does not keep us up at night but than we have never been tested. I love airplanes, love to fly but love to build more than flying. I will make mistakes, it's human to do so, but I will always do my best to avoid the major ones and in the end I am responsible for my actions no someone else. I feel for Vans at this point and I hope the judge/jury looks at the total event, where is the pilot in this suit, not there, no deep pockets. Sorry this got so long, just my thoughts, must be why EAA has a risk management team for all us chapters.