Hi Guys,
I don't currently have a Kitfox but am taking tailwheel lessons now with the hope of getting into a mod 4 in the future. I currently fly gyros with a 582 that is set up for premix. I "feel" better with premix and with the gyro it is not an issue since I do not really make cross countrys in it. My question is how many of you flying 2 strokes are using the injection? number of hours trouble free? How many actually had an issue with the injection system? Obviously injection would be much easier to deal with on cross countries since I could just keep my oil tank topped off. I have heard the stories of people having injection issues, and honestly little plastic gears do kind of scare me with something so vitally important. Maybe that is why I feel a little nervous not premixing. Am I overly concerned? Looking for experience not so much thought process of why one is better than the other. I already have my own opinion-just trying to find out if it is justified.
Thanks Mark