Hey all-
I don't see a place on the board specifically for newbie intros, so I guess I'll throw it here in General Discussion. I'm Tony from the Bend, Oregon area. Just moved here last fall from the Phoenix area. Been a professional pilot since I got out of the Marine Corps back in 1992, and was in aviation while in the Corps (not a pilot though- F/A-18 jet engine mechanic and Plane Captain (a.k.a. "Crew Chief")). I'm not, nor have I ever been an airline pilot, but I have a great job/life/lifestyle as a Pilatus PC-12 check airman for a large Part 135 Air Ambulance operator. I got my A&P right after I got out as well, although truthfully only for the purspose of saving money on aircraft ownership some day. My significantly better half is an Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University grad, commercial single- and multi-rated and CFI, although now that we live here in Central OR, we're in the process of purchasing property and then getting her back flying again as she's been inactive as both a pilot and CFI since we had our youngest 8 years ago. We've owned one plane so far- a Cessna 172 that we kept in Mesa, AZ at KFFZ which we lived near before moving here. I started flying taildraggers right after getting my PPL back in 1991, and have loved it ever since. I've had some great times flying tailwheel, but they're scarce to rent and I haven't flown one in almost 10 years.

Anyway, I grew up in the Caldwell Idaho area, and my dad was a business acquaintance of Dan Denney back in the post-Kitfox/Thunder Mustang days, so I've known ABOUT Kitfox for many years. Only recently took another look at them though, and now I'm fantasizing about a small, fun, economical to purchase AND operate aircraft that I could keep at home and maybe even operate off of my own property- so that's my current affiliation with Kitfox- "considering." In a perfect world, I'd run over to Albany tomorrow and buy that SWEEET (although expen$ive) 5 that is advertised in the classifieds, but alas, buying the family a place to call home is the first priority, according to the CFO, and those clowns at the lottery haven't figured out which numbers to call yet- mine!

Well, that's probably more than anyone wanted to know, so I guess I'll quit rambling.