Believe it or not I still have the original 6 gal aluminum wing tanks in my kitfox model 2. They are still in really good condition and have never leaked. However the fuel gauges have stopped working (actually have not worked since I bought the plane a year ago). They are the mechanical lever gauges that you can by from Spruce and made by Rochester Gauges. I am assuming that the magnets in them have lost their magnetism or have come loose. Has anyone ever tried to repair them or have them repaired? Is there a better way or different way to measure fuel in these old tanks? Not ready or willing at this point to spend the money and time to replace them with the fiberglass ones, since they still work well. Thought about using a glass piece in place of the gauge and us it as a sight gauge. any suggestions out there, other than replacing the tank. I can buy new gauges but curious if anyone know exactly how long to cut the lever rod. Don't want to do the in and out with the gauge and damage the mount holes.