I have a set of aerocet 1100 on my kitfox III with a 582. The empty weight is at 750 lbs, which others have said is typical. My concern is that at lower power, while taxing, the nose of the floats seem to only be a couple of inches out of the water. If i let off the throttle too quickly they will actually submerge. It seems hard to imagine that these floats are really rated for 1100 pounds. Someone mentioned that the floats were rated for 1100 pounds when they were straight floats, prior to the cutouts being made for the amphibious setup. Does anyone have suggestions for improving the taxi water handling of these floats? I saw someone had a spray guard on the inside of the floats, would that help? Also, what about filling the nose bumper and wheel wells with additional foam? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thank You,