Hi guys - as for the roos - our friend looks after ones from road accidents etc so she always has about 6 at her place at an time. They are a lot of fun to have about.They have 5 ac that backs on to bush and there are mobs roos all around. The ones that are cared for integrate and eventually go with the wild mobs but come back now and then. then ones in the photos are still young and very gentle - just like have puppies in some ways. But as they grow older, the males like to box so you have to be a bit careful.

Please note that we live in the country - this is NOT typical in the cities of Australia!!! That said, we back on to the local golf course and as I type I am watching about 20 of them out then grazing about 50m from our window.

From a flying perspective you have to be very careful at remote airstrips as there are a lot of roos. At Mt Beauty I have to scare them off often before landing - especially at dawn and dusk.

