One thing I have learned after 40 years as a hydraulics engineer is that there is always more than one way to do something, as we see here in this thread, so choosing the best way is usually a compromise between many factors such as:
  • Proper function
  • Longevity
  • Ease of installation
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Failure modes & probability
  • Results of failures
  • Likelihood of errors in installation & maintenance
  • First cost & life cycle costs
  • Overall reliability
  • Environmental factors
  • Cosmetic appearance
I have probably missed several areas, but you get the idea. The engineer has to weigh all these things, and I tend to trust the factory engineers who focus their whole effort and have many years of product experience to call upon. That is compared to those of us on this forum having fun trying to second guess them in a few minutes of our spare time. Hey I know this is experimental aircraft and there have been many new and better ideas come out of it, but be carefull, you are dealing with your life and a $20,000 engine. My 2 cents.