I do exactly what you are planning to do. I keep my Model III in an enclosed trailer at a small grass strip for $40/ month, buy rec fuel from them at $4.00/ gal and fly when ever I want.

I leave it Florida and have another plane that I fly while in Michigan during the summer. I was very concerned about leaving the kitfox here closed up in the trailer during the hot time of the year, but after two years, I have been very pleased with how it works.

I don't have insurance on my planes, but when I checked on it last summer, it would have cost about $400 for liability or $800 for complete coverage. I opted not to get any.

Maintenance is the biggest variable for me. I only fly the kitfox in the winter, and do an oil/filter change, condition inspection in the spring before putting it away. A friend of mine is an A&P, and we spend a day playing with the plane, looking it over and making a list of things that I need to fix/repair. I have to buy him lunch, so that is the cost of my condition inspection. I spend the summer planning the repairs and gathering materials for whatever project I plan to tackle. In the fall when I get back down here I do the maintenance that is needed, allowing an opportunity to look the plane over again before flying it after being idle for 6 months.

So to answer your question about costs, I would say that if you average one hour per week (50 hours/ year) you could break down your costs to

Tie-down rent $420
Insurance $800
Maintenance $500 (high estimate)
Fuel $800
Total about $2520/ year for 50 hours or about $50 / hour

Mine is a little lower with lower maintenance costs and no insurance. I figure mine at closer to $30/ hour for 50 hours/ year.
