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Thread: Stits, PolyTone, Fiberglass Fuel tanks, help

  1. #1
    rdooley79's Avatar
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    Default Stits, PolyTone, Fiberglass Fuel tanks, help

    I might be looking at replacing my wing tanks. I have no idea how to work with Stits Polytone and don't want to mess up my pretty paint job! HELP!

    Below are my thoughts. I'd like to know what you guys think I should do!

    Yesterday I went to the hanger and was greeted with a large wet spot on the floor. Just below the wing tank sump. There was fuel on the door running down as well as the underside of the wing. The tank was empty as well..... I'm fairly sure I put her away with a couple gallons of 100LL still in the tank. Now. It could be a couple things. Sump valve is leaking, Fuel fitting is leaking OR the tank is cracked. The plane has the older fiberglass tanks with the white cream (kreem?) inside them. There is a slight separation right at the neck I've noticed since investigating further. I know that the plane has had some ethanol in her but mostly 100LL with the previous owner and myself.

    Now the dilema here guys. As with all airplanes there is a never ending list of things we want to do... I didn't want to touch the fuel system for a while. It was on the list but MUCH further down. I have plans in motion for the engine and lightening the plane as well as learning to fly it!

    I'm totally aware of the fiberglass ethanol issues and the sloshing guys have had luck with. I've also seen the very nice replacement tanks at

    Is it possible to carefully cut the stits fabric back in a flap to expose the tanks and then glue it all back together. little paint and voila, new tanks and a still pretty plane?

    Are there any write up's anywhere that show this process of a large hole for maintenance and then repair?

    Should I try sloshing and using the tank sealant?

    I want to keep flying and not dive in to a big project but I also want to be safe. Also I don't have a ton of money. What would you do?

    So I haven't posted a lot since I got my new *to me* 1994 KF4-1200. Reason is I have been FLYING HER! (with help from my AWESOME instructor) Put about 12 hours on the plane. Having a great time learning.
    Kitfox IV - 1200 (1994) #1830
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Stits, PolyTone, Fiberglass Fuel tanks, help

    When I re-did my loose tanks, I had to strip the fabric off both the top and bottom of the tank bays in the wing. The bottom false rib was glued to the fabric and the tank. Also needed the access to the get the fishing line through the little bit of silicone that was still holding. I read on one post that someone put a tank in without pulling the bottom fabric off but of me it wouldn't have worked in my case.

  3. #3
    Senior Member cap01's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stits, PolyTone, Fiberglass Fuel tanks, help

    there are some pictures of my tank replacing project in my albums . my project was considerably more involved since I replaced the small tanks with the large ones . required removing a rib and relocating the braces in the wing .
    kitfox IV 1050
    912ul warpdrive
    flying B , yelm, wa

  4. #4
    rdooley79's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stits, PolyTone, Fiberglass Fuel tanks, help

    I need to investigate further to see if it's leaking from the tank and to what extent. I'm wary of cutting the wing apart but it might have to happen sooner than later.

    How do you do large wing repairs with Stits and PolyTone paint? Amazingly there aren't many videos of this online. If you know of any, pass them along please!

    The pics and write up were great. I just haven't worked with any kind of fabric and paint before. I've covered R/C airplanes with Monokote but that's not anywhere the same. Honestly guys I'm kinda scared of cutting in to the wing of my new kitfox.

    I'm sure once I figure this out it'll be no big deal but right now it seems tough.

    One thing is for sure, I want to swap out the tanks eventually so this is going to happen one way or the other. Just wanted it to be a winter project.
    Kitfox IV - 1200 (1994) #1830
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  5. #5
    Senior Member cap01's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stits, PolyTone, Fiberglass Fuel tanks, help

    pick up a copy of the poly fiber covering and painting manual . each step is spelled out in the manual . spraying the poly brush , poly spray , and poly tone is pretty easy only draw back is everything is mek based . got to have good ventilation .
    kitfox IV 1050
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    flying B , yelm, wa

  6. #6
    kitfoxnick's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stits, PolyTone, Fiberglass Fuel tanks, help

    I've done it twice now the first was a complete strip of the tank bay. The second time I was able to keep the bottom fabric. I don't think it was worth keeping the bottom fabric on. Poly fiber is easy to work with.
    Nick W
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  7. #7
    Senior Member Wheels's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stits, PolyTone, Fiberglass Fuel tanks, help

    I just did this. The ethanol resistant tanks from Kitfox are a bit more robust than the ones I pulled out. My 1994 1200 mod IV had flakey kreem (cream?) so out came the tanks and in went the new ones. the mechanic let me help and I will put pics in the album. Sorry but a tank replacement is messy and the need for a good fabric guy is a must. Hope its just a leaky quick drain or something so you can hold off till winter. It isn't a fast project unless your the only plane being worked on. I installed a fuel return line that my plane lacked. I actually put in one on each wing. Will test fly next week if I get all my parts.
    . The cool thing about STITS is the ease of repair due to the MEK base. Very easy and seamless paint patch if you are not a glossy texture. the flat paint just blends beautifully. Good luck.
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  8. #8
    rdooley79's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stits, PolyTone, Fiberglass Fuel tanks, help

    Awesome Pic!

    I agree with you that sloshing might be better. Guys have had good luck but reduced fuel capacity as a result.

    I definitely want to swap out the tanks. But for the time being I'm going to use the Bill Hirsch tank sealer system ( )

    Hopefully that will mend the tank to be good for this summer.

    On a side note, I just talked with Rotax Rick. I'm exchanging the 582 for a 670. More power and less fuel burn! She'll have a bit over 90hp with that power plant.
    Here at 5280msl more power is always needed!
    Kitfox IV - 1200 (1994) #1830
    Rotax 912
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: Stits, PolyTone, Fiberglass Fuel tanks, help

    I may be in the same boat. Mine is a '94 vintage that had the right wing tank pee all down the side of the fuselage. I bought an endoscope to try and scope out the tank from the inside, but I didn't get the video driver with the camera. Still working on that....

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Default Re: Stits, PolyTone, Fiberglass Fuel tanks, help

    Hi Everyone,

    I?ve owned my 2003 Kitfox 5 for four years and have been careful to using 75% Premium Shell auto gas and 25% 100LL. I always check that there?s no ethanol in the auto gas. But a week ago the right tank developed a leak when I was refuelling. The leak appears to be in the sidewall of the tank between the upper and lower fittings of the sight gauge.

    I seems necessary to remove the tank and replace it with a new fibreglass tank. It appears that there are two ways to remove the old tank. One is to use wire to cut through the silicone at the spars. The other method is to cut the tank into pieces and then carefully remove the smaller pieces connected to the spars.

    If anyone has been through the process I sure would appreciate your comments and advice and any photos you may have.

    Thanks a lot,

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