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Thread: John's Build

  1. #1
    Senior Member jrevens's Avatar
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    Default John's Build

    I've enjoyed & benefited from builders documenting & posting pictures of their projects on this forum, so I've decided to try to stop being so lazy, & share a few pictures once in awhile. Esser's recent posts about the LLE & the wingtip mounting strips prompted me to start.
    I didn't have a multi-tool to cut the fiberglass, but I found that a Dremel tool & a large sanding drum worked very fast & easy for me. I scalloped the trailing edge of the LLE, as done by Bill & Phil (Desert Fox 1).
    I didn't like the lack of edge hole clearance on the tip attach strips either. What I did was bend a little upturned lip on the edge on each one that allowed me to position them tightly against the rib, with the "lip" bending up/over the small bead or fillet of epoxy at the rib/cap-strip joint. This gave me adequate edge hole distance to suit my fussy nature.
    John Evens
    Arvada, CO
    Kitfox SS7 N27JE
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Dorsal's Avatar
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    Default Re: John's Build

    Looks good John, glad you are posting some pics.
    Dorsal ~~^~~
    Series 7 - Tri-Gear
    912 ULS Warp Drive

  3. #3
    Senior Member Esser's Avatar
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    Default Re: John's Build

    Hey John,

    That is a great idea for the attach strips. I may have to do that for my right wing.

    How long did it take for you to cut those scallops?

  4. #4
    Senior Member jrevens's Avatar
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    Default Re: John's Build

    It didn't take long at all, Esser. After tracing the curves, the sanding drum made short work of it.
    John Evens
    Arvada, CO
    Kitfox SS7 N27JE
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Dave S's Avatar
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    Default Re: John's Build


    I really like your modification with the lip on the attach strip....very neat.

    Dave S

  6. #6
    Senior Member chefwarthog's Avatar
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    Default Re: John's Build

    Those pictures inspire me..... I am still finishing my garage.... but it will be finish by spring..... so seeing thoses photos help me to stay focus!!!!

    continue the good work!!!
    Eric Therrien
    Nicolet, Qc. Ca.
    In preparation.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: John's Build

    Thanks for the posts John - and it is great to see more examples of how to approach the tasks - I also like the fact that you and Josh are a month or so in front of me so the pics and posts become doubly useful!



  8. #8
    Senior Member jrevens's Avatar
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    Default Re: John's Build

    This was probably really dumb... I built a digitally controlled iron out of a $15 1000W dry iron (Amazon). Took the whole top off the iron, stripped everything out except the heating element & fusible temperature link, & added an RTD sensor ($13, eBay). Used a cheap S.S. temperature controller ($30, eBay) & a S.S. relay I already had. I also had the switch & aluminum, so I went crazy. A fun little project, but this is definitely one of those "no wonder my Kitfox is taking so long to build" ideas. It is kinda nice... +/- 1 deg. Set it & forget it - it's looking you in the face displaying the actual temperature & set point all the time. Looks a little unwieldy, but it's actually pretty nice in the hand.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    John Evens
    Arvada, CO
    Kitfox SS7 N27JE
    EAA Lifetime
    Chap. 43 honorary Lifetime

  9. #9
    Senior Member HighWing's Avatar
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    Default Re: John's Build

    I've got to say that is quite the iron. I wonder if there is a market for such a thing. I remember using my iron and watching the temps cycle over the thermometer and trying to calibrate it with the ebb and flow of the primitive thermostat. That should give pretty tight control of the temps.
    Lowell Fitt
    Goodyear, AZ

    My You Tube Channel

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: John's Build

    I think that is fantastic John! I reckon you just went into the rental market! I'm sure builders up to covering would love to hire that for their project! If you get bored and want to export one to OZ let me know.


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