Hi Darrell,

First off, congrats on the first flight and great start on your phase I.

Sounds like you have a little bit of a troubleshooting deal ahead of you on the stiff flaprons. Frankly, I find that the rod end/push pull tube system of the Kitfox is extremely low friction....shouldn't be stiff at all.

I'll toss out a couple ideas....don't know for sure what is causing the issue.

You mentioned that before the push pull rods were installed, the flaperons were not like this. What happens if you disconnect them now? do they rotate freely again?

Does the stiffness occur both in flight and on the ground?

Wondering if there is some friction in the rest of the alieron control system somewhere? In other words, with the flaperon rods disconnected, what happens when you sit in the cabin and work the control stick? Parts of the underseat mechanism for the alieron action run pretty close to other parts....any chance the seat deforms slightly causing contact with controls?

Let us know how this issue resolves...I don't think it is very common to have the flaperons exhibit any stiffness at all.

Good luck,

Dave S
KF 7 Trigear (Flying)
912ULS Warp Drive
St Paul, MN