I have never used the 9460 Hysol, only the EA-9430 from Aircraft Spruce. In the old days the ribs were glued in with a 3M product. Most of my mixes are small by comparison.

For a mixing container, I use the two ounce portion cups you see for loading ketchup for your fries. With the 9430 the mix is 4:1 and the 1 is a thin liquid so I use a syringe to add that. I like the knife idea rather than the wood tongue blades. I use a dental cement spatula. The blade is about 5/16" wide and a couple of inches long. LIke the knives, it is sturdy and cleans up easily. If I forget to clean it, I can use the wire brush wheel on the other end of my grinder. Since my catalyst is a liquid I only need one spatula. I also use the portion cups on all my epoxy fiberglass projects. I find the size perfect for virtually all projects.

A thought on the knives. You can find heat shrink tubing that would fit the handle. Black on black and White on white. Easy to keep the knives separate.