Sky pirate asked the performance difference. my airport is 1000 m.s.l. I can get about 1200 f p m buy myself full of fuel at 70 mph with a 912 ul ivo prop at is low pitch setting. it will cruise at 115 mph at 5000 r.p.m. seems like it hits a wall at 115 mph. It will cruise at 100 mph half throttle 4700 r.p.m. Roll rate is very nice, it is very responsive. Stalls at 40 mph clean. Alittle buffeting than the nose drops. I like the decent rate better, much more predicable. Landings are much easyer, i can put her down when I want to. not a floater anymore. still flys well with two 200lb people. One down fall is at about 7000 msl there is not that much to offer with two people, flys slower and maybe can 150 fpm climb. Rough air flying is much better.