Sorry to hear about your airplane. I think this might be a learning experience for all of us.

Quote Originally Posted by FitchUpNorth View Post
Pride wounded. As the chief of a 141 and 135 operation, it's a rough go. His pride is healing faster than the bird I fear.
I think the above quote says it all. Your experience brings up a thousand thoughts.

First. A neighbor with a Model III has a bit worse fuselage situation, but untouoched wings. He also had a CFI on board for a BFR. This was the same guy I used to use until I realized I could never teach him anything. I couldn't convince him that he was not lining up properly on the runway due to the side of the cowl not being parallel to the center line of the airplane. Twice I allowed him to do the wheel dance down the runway as that was his fun thing and after both BFRs I replaced tires because he would scrub the rubber off to the cord. In my opinion a "Prideful" pilot as in, don't bother trying to teach me anything, I already know it all.

Second. My buddy Mark, who recently said that if you can land a Kitfox, you can land anything. I guess the reverse doesn't hold true except in the mind of someone looking at a simple slow homemade rag and tube airplane who has lots of letters behind his name on his certificate.

Third. How difficult it is to say "No" to a friend - see above. A pilot (Forum Member) I talked to at Desert Fox said he did not plan on giving rides in his Kitfox except to family members. That is my plan as well, but can I really do the NO thing.

Fourth. How much enjoyment there is in building your airplane, but how little there is in fixing it. Is there such a thing as negative enjoyment?

Fifth. Out of room, but could go on. Sorry again for the expereince. Keep us posted. I expect to see the neighbor with the bent III later today. I will pass on any tricks he discovers.