Sometimes I am really curious.

Example - Adjustable rudder pedals for the very rare occasion when someone else might fly my airplane. I loaned it out twice in nine years for check rides and both times the pilot(s) used my pedal configuration. Considering, of course, carrying the extra weight of the apparatus for the other 900 hours.

Example, planned forward CG for the times you will want 150 lbs. in the baggage sack. During the Arab oil embargo years ago, the Airline in the family loaded every flight to max aft CG for fuel economy. This is one reason I put five lbs. of ballast in the tail due to a -within the envelope but never-the-less - near the forward limit CG. I didn't want to make every solo flight an excessively trimmed up elevator flight

In other words, are we willing to compromise fuel economy on every flight for the ability to carry max baggage or the chance someone with longer legs might want to fly my airplane. 150 lbs. is a "ton" of baggage. Much more than my wife and I carry when flying commercially for a week away from home - I just asked, our last across the country flight we had likely 110 lbs including carry on.

I'm not trying to suggest there is only one way to do things or that one person's preference is necessarily bad, but only to suggest that every decision we make for a desired result, will likely have unintended consequences as well. And those should be brought into the thought process. An excellent example of this is the heavy engine leading to wing sweep leading to possible stability issues.