I like what I see so far from the Viking engine and I would not have a problem running a Viking engine in a new build. I have a lot of experience with tuning Honda 4 cyl engines in the motorsport world and that is one reason I have some faith in this new direction from Jan.

I give Jan some credit too, he knows he had failures in the past with his Subaru conversions but he did not give up. I like that he regrouped, did some research, and set out on a new endeavor, with fresh memories of what not to do from his past Subaru failures. This guy had some guts to get right back in the ring with a new product for the sport aviation marketplace.

Between UL Power and Viking Aircraft Engines, it is great to see some recent competition challenging the Rotax dominance in sport aviation. We all know what the trend is when one company gets too much of the market share....not good.