Well, the big show is over. Home again, safely. I flew Desertfox1's beautiful 7 Super Sport solo from Chandler, AZ to Homedale,Id. on July the 16th. I left about 6:20 am local time. Nice flight up with light tailwinds most of the way. Spent some of the trip that day at 11,500 feet. Lots of mountains in Nevada and they mostly seem to run North and South. The Mountain High oxy. system Desertfox 1 has was very much appreciated. Kept me thinking and feeling good and arrived with no fatigue at about 2pm. Not bad for a little light experimental aircraft.

I got to spend a couple days at the factory helping get things, airplanes ect. ready for Oshkosh. Changed oil in Desertfox1's (Phil's) Kitfox and John and Debra's 7. Helped Judd put a new prop. on Phil's Kitfox and after a couple pitch adjustments Judd had it dialed in. Very nice looking prop. and it seems to perform well. Judd showed me the procedure to balance the new prop. using The DynaVibe. First time I've had the chance to see the system in action. Very simple and the results after about 45 minutes were amazing. This has to help the entire aircraft from nose to tail. Very noticeable improvement. Judd and John also synced Phil's carbs so we would have one smooth running machine to fly to AirVenture.

I was able to meet several new employees at Kitfox Aircraft. It's fun to see the growth and the quality of the people building your kits and parts.
Great folks and always fun to see the regulars that have been doing the behind the scenes work for so many years. John and Debra , while extremely busy, are always gracious hosts and make me feel like I'm home.

Phil arrived late Tuesday evening on the airlines into Boise. Debra picked him up at the airport. The next morning we launched for, well where ever we felt like. We had a couple days to get to Oshkosh so we took our time and kept the legs shorter. One stop was Jackson Hole,WY. That is one spectacular place. The scenery was incredible. A flight somewhat removed but still a blast, took us past Mt. Rushmore National Monument. I had to really zoom in my camera which made for a few less than perfect photos but still captured the majesty of the location. We were blessed with great weather , albeit hot through South Dakota, all the way to Oshkosh. First night found us in Philip, SD. A good meal and a working air conditioner was all that was needed. We had both.

Next morning we climbed up to about 5,500 feet for some cool air and made our way across the rest of South Dakota. With stops in Chamberlain and Mitchell we saw lots of dry fields. Rain badly needed. We skirted Sioux Falls as they were TFR'ed for a big airshow scheduled for the next day. Minnesota greeted us with green fields. Hard to tell that here also rain has been infrequent and is still badly needed. There are so many new windmills since I left in '94'. Electricity should be plentiful and cheap but somehow no matter how many of those spinning air catchers they build the price never drops. Go figure.

We arrive at Fairmont early in the afternoon. Clouds had thickened some but lots of holes still remained and no threatening weather was forecast.
We dropped down through the puffy clouds and invaded Fairmont. Well it wasn't much of a fight. We gave in to all the ag- planes working the area. Most were old friends of mine from years past so no shots were exchanged. Topping off all 3 Kitfox's, John secured overnight accommodations for the airplanes and while back in Philips,SD the previous night, I secured a place to sleep and a home cooked meal for the crew for this evening.

We still had some time to sight see and I drove our courtesy car, with all seats filled and the trunk loaded down, to a favorite watering hole on the North side of Hall lake. I grew up on Hall Lake. The view was great and the company stellar. After a very light snack we headed out of town to my brothers home over-looking East Chain Lake. He and my sister-in-law acquired a piece of property just behind their residence that had a "cottage" on it. After some extensive remodeling it now is home to any relative or friend that happens along needing a place to sleep. That night we fit the bill. It is quaint, inviting and quiet. A good place to recharge for the upcoming "event" know to all as AirVenture.

That evening we were provided with an "airshow" courtesy of the very same ag-planes we were greeted by when first arriving in town. They were spaying just off the edge of the cottage property. Nice of them to arrange our evenings entertainment.

A great meal of pineapple brats on the grill (Thanks to nephew chef Wayne) and fresh sweet corn graced our table at Tom and Monica's home. Good conversation, a great meal and after, a walk down to the lake and a nice sit at the end of the dock watching their two Labs chase balls out into the lake as the sun sets and the evening winds down. Back up to the cottage for a good nights sleep but not before the evening light show was furnished by thousands of fire flies. Brings back memories of childhood catching the little flying LED's and putting them in a jar.

Next morning we head for the airport, do pre-flights and off we go. It's a great morning with light breezes and blue skies. After and hour we're crossing the Mississippi north of La Crosse. We find Wisconsin welcomes us with rolling green hills and beautiful farms with terraces and trees. Just a gorgeous view from upstairs. Dairy country for sure. We land about 35 miles short of Oshkosh so we can go in with almost full fuel. A short flight and we are lining up for Ripon and following railroad tracks and heads on a swivel for other aircraft. Shortly runway 09 shows in the distance and we are on final for Oshkosh. Clear of 09 we taxi to the FBO to pick up a rental car and we are at the mecca for all things aviation for 2012.

http://youtu.be/wvH90jzGsbo - see photos at the preceding link for part one of the trip.
More parts to follow in the up coming days.