We have had a pretty good year, and a few things have gone our way. I have long been excited for the Arlington, WA air show & fly-in to come so I could go see, feel, touch, and immerse myself in all that is Kitfox (A plane that I was considering building.) I wanted to look, listen, and codg about building and flying Airplanes- KIT FOX airplanes! I wasn’t there for the air show; I wasn’t there for Highlander, Zenair, or any of the other fly contraptions out on the field. I was there for 1 purpose, KIT FOX airplanes. We had a busy hectic morning but I finally got the wife and kid rounded up and drove the 25 miles to the airfield, and paid the $36 entry fee. After dragging a protesting whiny 5 year old we finally made it to the Kitfox area. Mr. McBean completely unaware of my excitement was busy talking with someone as we walked up so I didn’t want to be rude and interrupt. Instead I went over to one of the SS7s they had there and began looking at it. I was looking at the Rudder and pondering what it would take to cover and paint it. I then made the mistake of actually touching it, and probably deflected the Rudder about 1 inch normal side to side movement. I was immediately snapped at by Mr. McBean who gave me a look as if I was his son and had ****ed all over it. That first 2 second interaction completely ruined the air show for me. You are seriously going to snap at me for touching the rudder? Then not more than 10 seconds later, I hear him speak words to the affect of “you are thinking of buying a kit? Well, hop in there” as he ushered another bystander into the Cock pit. (Which by the way put thrice the wear and tear on his aircraft as me touching the Rudder.) -Judge for yourself.
Yep, you are correct. It is his airplane and I shouldn’t touch it. My response is that if you don’t want anyone to touch your airplane, don’t park it in front of a place where you are trying to show case them for sale, or cordon them off so it is clear. Furthermore, I solemnly promise Mr. McBean & co that will I not touch is Kitfox again, nor anything that he manufactures for it, or my wallet to purchase any of the aforementioned. I think I will go down to the airport and fly a 172. I can fully deflect the rudder on it. It won’t hurt it a bit and no one gives a damn if you do.
– I’m out!