Got this video link from a dear friend who was a "stew" for United and her husband, a Captain, back in the days when air travel was luxurious and still an adventure. About 2 months ago my brother and myself had the good fortune to sit at this friends kitchen table and spend an afternoon with seven of these beautiful retired flight attendants and listen first hand to some incredible stories of airline life in the 60's , 70's and into the 80's. There's got to be at least a book if not a movie just in this group of flight attendants stories. Kind of a part of aviation history that slides under the radar so to speak.

Here is her message sent along with the link-
" Steve. Thought you might enjoy this video....Aviation in the good old days. I flew many hours in the DC7s & DC6s when I first started flying .....So did my husband,,,,,,Brought back a lot of fond memories and a few scary ones as well. Flying sure has changed since then."

Hope you enjoy-

Copy attached with video:
The last of the DC7-Cs were rolling off the Santa Monica assembly line in June, 1959. It was an extended range intercontinental version. Great aircraft!!! Douglas was king. The airlines actually gave you service & space back then!!!

This clip on the DC-7 will have you grinning from ear to ear! PUT IT ON FULL SCREEN!

DC-7 video by EAA