First off, Chad, Thanks for asking. I can't remember us ever being asked for input before!

While I agree with the theme presented thus far that we all want more hands on building focused articles, I don't see it as a major problem as of yet. There were a number of good additions to the mag redesign that specifically added more of these types of articles while expanding the coverage to other areas. I think for the most part it's a nice blend of topics and information.

Overall I think it's very hard for a magazine to survive in this 21st century environment. We spend hours and hours obsessing about very specific information that interests us and have access to that information via the internet. I'm not sure how a print publication is going to cater to that need.

I really enjoy the online version of experimenter as well where much of the more hands on information is presented.

Keep up the good work and thanks for taking our input back to HQ to influence future directions.

PS, I'm a chapter president of a fairly large chapter (326 in Puyallup WA) which has over a hundred members and I know how hard it is to find information and materials that appeal to everyone!