I am hoping to get some answers on installing the glare shield on a model V. I have the windshield and cowl installed and the panel is in place and I am trying to install the glare shield and not having much luck. The problem I am having is that the angle of the glare shield to windshield does not match. The center does seem to match but as I go to the sides it gets worse. As I hold the glare shield up to the windshield the glare shield then is about 3 inches above the instrument panel. The second problem is that as I try to keep a clean line of the glare shield to the cowl line it is again moving the glare sheild well above the panel. There is enough pressure on this at this point that I do not feel good about pulling the glare shield down onto the panel as I am afraid this may break the windshield. Has anyone else had this problem and if so what does a guy do to fix it? I am about ready to cut the bent portion of the glare shield off and lay it up next to the windshield where it needs to go and try installing new fiberglass onto it. This just seems like a lot of work. I would appreciate pictures or any suggestions as I have been fighting with this for some time and have had several friends come over to help and we have not been able to come up with a solution. Thanks ahead of time for any advice. Bryan