In flight fires - Whew!

That is a subject any of us hopes never to have to deal with. This may seem a little simplistic; but, it probably boils down to two things.

1) Prevention
2) What to do if you get one.

I think the second thing is best dealt with via our emergency procedure training and such resources as the AOPA reference which has been mentioned. An adjunct to this is any of us building; when we put our pilot's operating manual together for the airplane we are building, need to be very thoughtful concerning the nature of the systems we have built and give careful consideration to emergency procedures specific to our build. Nobody knows better than the builder. Simple straightforward emergency procedures in the cockpit are pretty important since the second failure following a system failure can often involve one's brain and it is good to have something written down to compensate for that.

Prevention is painted with a pretty broad brush stroke; however, it boils down to:
a) Building to minimize fire risk
b) Maintaining to minimize fire risk
c) Operating to minimize fire risk

I'll throw out a challenge. Information sharing can hopefully be of use to the entire community.

In your Kitfox experience, what have you done to:

a) Build to minimize fire risk
b) Maintain to minimize fire risk
c) Operate to minimize fire risk

If each person comes up with one good idea, it might help us all.


Dave S.
KF 7 Trigear