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Thread: Picking up my Speedster this weekend!

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Thumbs up Picking up my Speedster this weekend!

    First I want to say thanks to the great folks that reside here on this forum. The outstanding support and wealth of knowledge that exists here has certainly played a major role in me wanting to join your ranks - and now as a Kitfox owner!

    On to the fun stuff...

    If the weather cooperates, it looks like I will be picking up my Speedster this weekend. Kitfoxnick was nice enough to volunteer to help me fly it home.

    The trip starts in Springdale, AR and ends in Allentown, PA. The plan is to spend the night in Ohio along the way and break it up over two days.

    I'm sure it will be quite an adventure.

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    Kitfox IV Speedster

  2. #2
    Senior Member chefwarthog's Avatar
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    Default Re: Picking up my Speedster this weekend!

    Noting beat the feeling to live our dream.

    I send all my positive energie for a nice trip home, take care.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Dorsal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Picking up my Speedster this weekend!

    Congrats, I will make an extra sacrifice to the weather gods on your behalf. Looking forward to seeing the trip report.
    Nick, way to help out a fellow flier!
    Last edited by Dorsal; 04-28-2011 at 11:18 AM.
    Dorsal ~~^~~
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  4. #4
    Administrator DesertFox4's Avatar
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    Default Re: Picking up my Speedster this weekend!

    Jason, congrats. on the Speedster. It looks like a nice one. Safe trip home and way to go Kitfoxnick.

    7 Super Sport
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  5. #5
    Senior Member GWright6970's Avatar
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    Default Re: Picking up my Speedster this weekend!

    Congrats on your bird!!! I hope you two have a great flight.... enjoy the journey!! ((Please take and post pictures!!))

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Picking up my Speedster this weekend!

    Congrats on your plane, the adventure begins. The first long Cross country can be an experience. I hope the weather cooperates.
    Paul Zimmermann
    Garland, Texas

  7. #7

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    Default Re: Picking up my Speedster this weekend!

    Well, Nick and I made it home safely after our epic adventure across the country. It was a trip of a life time!

    Day 0

    So there we were….

    The plan was to meet up in Allentown, PA at KXLL on Friday morning. I drove down from NJ and Nick flew in from MD in his Kitfox. We stopped for lunch with Art Tarola at AB Flight. Art will be doing my flight training in the Speedster. He was kind enough to drive Nick and I to the Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE) where we flew commercial out to Northwest Arkansas Regional (XNA). The trip out was uneventful.

    Stowe Hoffius (former owner/builder of my Speedster) picked us up at the airport and brought us out to Springdale airport (ASG) to prep the plane. Nick and Stowe were hoping to do a quick check ride together in the Speedster that evening, but it was just too windy. Instead, after doing all we could to prep the Speedster, we ventured over to the hanger across the runway from us to visit with Jim Younkin over at TrueTrak. Jim is an aviation legend so it was great that Nick got to meet him and see some of his planes. Stowe had introduced me to Jim when I was out looking at the Speedster previously. In fact, Jim built the panel for my Speedster, so in a way, I own a piece of history. We found him sanding the wing on one of his Mullicoupes that he’s currently rebuilding. Jim Younkin is a true craftsman and it was awesome to see what he can do with a sheet of aluminum.

    Jim's Mullicoupe

    Here's Jim building my Speedster panel

    Stowe, Nick and I had a great dinner together exchanging sailing stories while we stuffed ourselves silly with Lasagne Pizza and bread at the local Italian restaurant… Nick and I went back to the hotel to study the weather, finalize our flight plan and get some sleep.

    Day 1

    Bright and early Saturday morning we’re up and at the Springdale airport ready to set off on our journey. It was still crazy gusty windy out, but the runway lined up pretty nicely with it. Nick and Stowe did their check ride together zipping around the pattern.

    Nick and Stowe off to do the check ride

    Everything went fine with that, so it was now time for Nick and I to depart. And off we go…

    The term kite came to mind as we departed ASG. It was a little bit of trial by fire for me as I had no real prior experience flying in small aircraft on rough days. But Nick never looked worried, so I just sucked it up and dealt with the conditions. I just hoped that the entire trip wouldn’t be like that. I’m sure I must have looked pretty somber at the time because Nick kept asking me if I was OK… Fortunately things really smoothed out once we reached altitude. It was amazing to see all of the flooding that occurred throughout the region.
    I’ve included this shot of my panel to give everyone an idea of how windy it really was out….

    Check out the airspeed vs gps ground speed.

    Crossing the Mississippi river also revealed how vast the regional flooding was.

    We carried that incredible tailwind past St Louis and on into Illinois making incredible progress. We made our first stop out at a little strip in Fairfield, IL (FWC). The wind was still nuts, gusting to 30+ from the south. We heard on the radio another aircraft announcing that it was landing on runway 27 at that airport. What we found when we arrived was that two little old ladies had landed their Cessna 172 dead crosswind in some pretty wicked windy conditions. They were on their way up from Florida and apparently didn’t know that there was a N-S runway at FWC. Oh well.

    For me, it was significant because I thought if they can do that, then I really have nothing to worry about in my little Kitfox…

    Nick and I at FWC

    We fueled up and then the airport manager tossed us his car keys and the four of us headed into town for some lunch. We departed FWC and continued heading northeast. Our monster tailwind slowly eroded away. My bladder lasted till we were just Northeast of Cincinnati, OH at which point we landed at Steward Airfield (40L).

    It was good that we landed as it gave us a chance to study the weather. Our original stop point for day one was Zanesville, OH. The plan was to link up with a few of the Ohio Bush Planes folks up there. But the weather outlook for Zanesville wasn’t favorable and had we gone there, we would have been stuck for sure. Plan B was to fly a little south of due east across West Virginia and into Maryland. This new route was very scenic.

    Shot of crossing the ohio river

    Here's one of the hills of West Virginia

    We were able to make to Greater Gortner Airfield by nightfall. Greater Gortner is a little grass strip up in the mountains on a Dairy Farm.

    The airport limo service was most hospitable…. LOL

    The trip was full of characters as you can see.

    Nick, Jamie (our colorful ride into town) and I ended up at Denny’s for dinner where I discovered that they were promoting a bacon covered ice cream sundae. While I wasn’t brave enough to try it, I did think to myself that nothing says America like a bacon ice cream sundae.

    Anyways, we spent the night at Greater Gortner and hoped that the weather would cooperate for us in the morning.
    Last edited by kl2657; 05-03-2011 at 04:13 PM.
    Kitfox IV Speedster

  8. #8

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    Default Re: Picking up my Speedster this weekend!

    Day 2

    The next morning was overcast, but at least we weren’t socked in. We were between two bands of weather that provided a small window that allowed us to sneak through.

    My Speedster got to spend the night with the farm equipment.

    I was amazed that with all that flying, we weren't able to knock the pollen off the wings...

    We made a quick stop at Garret County Airport (2G4) for some fuel and then headed east to get ahead of the weather.

    Shots of the mountains of Maryland

    After passing over Fredrick, MD we were far enough ahead of it to head northeast directly at Queen City (KXLL).

    Here's what we were trying to get out in front of...

    Nick noticed that the left wing tank didn’t seem to be dropping in fuel level as we proceeded, while the right wing tank looked low. For most of the trip prior, it was just the opposite. He decided to make a precautionary landing at Shoestring Airfield (0P2) in Stewartstown, PA just to make sure everything was ok. Aside from being the smart thing to do, it also allowed my Father-in-law who lives close by to come check out my new toy.

    My Father-in-law checking out my Speedster at Shoestring...

    Everything was fine with the fuel tank situation and was probably more related to flying in a crosswind.

    So off we went again arriving at KXLL in Allentown, PA less than an hour later safe and sound.

    Base to Final at KXLL

    My Speedster in it's new home

    Mission accomplished!

    In all Nick and I covered over 1121 miles and put in almost 12hrs of flight time in my little Kitfox Speedster. What an adventure!
    Kitfox IV Speedster

  9. #9
    Administrator DesertFox4's Avatar
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    Default Re: Picking up my Speedster this weekend!

    Beautiful model 4 Jason. Stowe did a first class job.

    Glad you and Nick had a safe and fun adventure. Great photos. That was a serious tailwind you had and you guys were lucky to have it on your tail instead of your nose.

    The North East Fox's just picked up another sweet Kitfox in the group. Maybe the guys will help you put strut fairings on and talk you into an Ivo prop. so you can easily cruise with them on your many upcoming cross country flights. Those two small changes are good for another 10 to 15 mph. Just a thought but hey, for now, have a blast getting to know your new Kitfox.

    7 Super Sport
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  10. #10
    Senior Member SkySteve's Avatar
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    Default Re: Picking up my Speedster this weekend!

    Great trip report. Thanks for the pics to go with it. I had to chuckle a little when you mentioned the "mountains" in MD. "Son, those ain't no mountains, but they sure are pretty."
    Steve Wilson
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