the fibers will also clog the filter, and this will shut your engine down quick..I had a phantom ultralight with 503 DCDI with a fiberglass 10 gallon tank,. after about the 5th dead stick landing ,..I installed the in line filters that you can take apart and clean,..they have the chrome ends with the glass center and a wire screen in the center and you can twist it apart with out tools,..every 10 hours on the meter I took the filters apart and cleaned them until I finally sloshed the tank ,..I used the slosh they use on motor cycle tanks because I could purchase it locally and the slosh for aircraft tanks hadn't yet made the market or it was so new I didn't hear about it,..but it worked well,..I sold the plane shortly after the fix,..and the purchaser never said anything about clogged filters so I assume the fix worked.
